
My hometown | My friends | Sweets | My Pets
About Me
My Pets


    I have three cats in my hometown. They are very cute and funny!! I love them.  They are very friendly each other.
    My most favorite cat is Hana.  When I am a junior high school student, my father has give me to her. She is very friendly and cute. She reaches anywhere the place to which I go. If I call her "Hana", she will reply. She is clever!! She is fat and the weights is about 6km. She is very a good friend with AO of one more cats. AO means blue. Her eye's is blue, so her name is AO. they are very cute.
   I like a cat. Since I leave a hometown and am living, I cannot meet the cats of a hometown easily. I want to meet them. I really miss them.


Hana and Ao

